Thursday, March 13, 2008

Disregard the last post

I was able to clarify the promotion with a management employee at Village Pub and they told me that the promotion has not changed. Apparently it was just a data entry error on the bartender that resulted in my screwed up bounce back certificate. They told me to come back in and they will remedy the situation.

I went over to Yorky's and was given the $70 I was shorted on the last certificate. I cashed in $100 in free play and began. The I began feeding $100 bills into the machine so quickly their log printer jammed up. After putting in $3900 in $100 bills I hit Five Aces for $4000 (and a correct $100 bounce back certificate). I played for about 10 more minutes and was $300 ahead for the session. By the way, that is the first time I hit Five Aces this year. I was many standard deviations behind the curve on this one.

Tomorrow I am off to Laughlin for a free weekend at Harrah's and participation in a $10,000 Craps tournament. My host know I never play Craps but he knows I like to play anything where I can win $10,000 with no cost to me. It also turns out that Harrah's marketing is having a small promotion with 3x points Friday and 2x points Saturday for invited guests. They are also giving $1 cash for every 1000 points earned on the promotion (max $250).

This should give me an easy oppotunity to renew my Diamond status.

Daily Result: +$300
Year to Date: +$46,480

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